Bloated On Intermittent Fasting

Bloated On Intermittent Fasting

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Gut

What is a Bubble Gut?

A Bubble Gut is the excessive stomach distension around the midsection causing bodybuilders to appear as though they've got excess fat and heavy bloating around the gut. This trend has become even more pronounced over the last 5 years, with images of Mr. Olympia winner and runner up Phil Heath and Kai Greene, and even previous champions like Ronnie Coleman, showing signs of excessive stomach distension despite extremely low body fat.

This has led to many spectators or fans wondering what is causing the appearance of a 'gut' on these athletes and why it has increased in recent years. The stomach distension is known in bodybuilding circles as "HGH Gut","Insulin Gut", " Palumboism", or more popularly, "Bodybuilder Belly", "Muscle Gut" or "Bubble Gut". As the above name suggests, the stomach distension seen in these bodybuilders is believed to be caused by insulin and human growth hormone (HGH) abuse.

Strongest Prohormones

To help you navigate this article, we've included a table of contents linking to each section:

What causes bubble gut in bodybuilders?

  • Human growth hormone abuse
  • Insulin abuse
  • Increased Abdominal Muscle Mass
  • High carbohydrate diets
  • High calorie diets
  • Carbohydrate loading and water manipulation techniques

A Multi-Faceted Problem

How to prevent an HGH belly

  • Taper HGH and insulin dose close to competition
  • Use Intermittent Fasting when Cutting
  • Reduce Carbohydrate Intake Throughout Contest Preparation
  • When Carb-Loading, Ensure Correct Timing and Nutrient Intake

hgh belly

What causes bubble gut in bodybuilders?

Bubble gut is caused by factors such as increased use of insulin and the introduction of HGH injections use in the nineties. There is no one factor that has been proven to cause the emergence of the bodybuilder belly (Palumboism). The most realistic explanation is a combination of factors.

These include:

Human growth hormone abuse

The extremely high doses of HGH used by bodybuilders, estimated at around 5 milligrams per day, can cause side effects such as the excessive growth of some tissues, like the intestines. With larger intestines, the abdomen can bulge to up to twice its natural size, particularly after food consumption.

Insulin abuse

Many bodybuilders also combine HGH, and many other substances, with insulin use; a practice known as "stacking". This insulin use can then cause increased fat storage behind the stomach, known as visceral fat, which can lead to a larger abdomen.

Bodybuilder Gut

Increased Abdominal Muscle Mass

Through the use of insulin and Human Growth Hormone drugs and the addition of multiple supplements and a diet that is extremely high in protein, muscle mass increases considerably. This causes not only an increase in mass in the Rectus Abdominis, or "the six pack", itself, but also in the muscles that lie underneath it, such as the Transverse Abdominus and the Internal Obliques. This causes the entire midsection to grow and protrude, giving a 'blocky' appearance and contributing to stomach distension. The 'look' has been nicknamed 'Palumboism'.

High carbohydrate diets

High carbohydrate foods cause an increase in glycogen to be stored in the muscles which causes increased water retention, as glycogen attracts water. Both this and the large volume of carbohydrate rich foods further contribute to Muscle Gut by providing a 'bloated' look.

High calorie diets

Irrespective of protein, carbohydrates or supplements, all bodybuilders follow an extremely high calorie diet, with some consuming over 10,000 calories per day. This high calorie food intake also means a high volume of food which can stay in the stomach for prolonged periods causing gut distension.


Carbohydrate loading and water manipulation techniques

Many bodybuilders and fitness models use a technique known as 'carb' or 'glyco' loading, where a bodybuilder dehydrates and lowers carbohydrate intake and, in many cases, ingests diuretics to help flush water out of the body. They then ingest large amounts of carbohydrates and water to cause a supercompensation of water content in the muscles, allowing greater definition and muscle volume. However, if mistimed, this loss of water, along with the problems of high carbohydrate intake, can cause slower digestion and stomach emptying, meaning more food stays in the gut for longer, promoting distension.

A Multi-Faceted Problem

Any combination of the above factors can lead to gut distension and explains the names given to this condition by the bodybuilding community. While no studies have proven these theories directly, there is scientific evidence that all of the above mechanisms behind HGH gut are possible (1, 2).

How to prevent an HGH belly

Due to recent studies showing a lack of effectiveness in human growth hormone promoting strength or muscle mass (3, 4), and the dangers of insulin abuse compared to similar benefits elicited from safer supplements (5, 6), abstinence would seem like a natural solution. However, the reason most of these bodybuilders take high levels of these drugs is due both to the perceived benefit they possess for aiding muscle growth, and because they can aid tendon recovery and growth and prevent injury (7). As such, there is little point in recommending completely halting their use. However, there may be methods to reduce stomach distension without stopping or even reducing HGH or insulin use. There are a number of methods that could be used to help prevent the Insulin or HGH Gut from occurring in new bodybuilder as well as help reduce its appearance in veteran athletes.

hgh belly

Taper HGH and insulin dosage close to competition

From examining bodybuilders who were known to have used HGH throughout their careers (i.e. Dorian Yates and Ronnie Coleman), it's clear that stomach distension isn't permanent and is reversible by lowering the dose or eliminating use (ending the cycle). Insulin is also primarily "bulking substance" and can actually hinder the cutting process by increasing fat storage (8). So, reducing the amount of HGH and Insulin taken when cutting and approaching contests will allow a bodybuilder to reap all the benefits of the two drugs while reducing gut distension on stage.

Use Intermittent Fasting when Cutting

Intermittent Fasting has been shown to be just as effective as conventional calorie cutting for helping weight and fat loss while maintaining muscle (9, 10). When timed correctly, this can ensure that the amount of food in the digestive system is low and help reduce any stomach distension while allowing a high quality physique to be maintained during a contest.

Reduce Carbohydrate Intake Throughout Contest Preparation

Many bodybuilders are tempted to increase their carbohydrate intake when cutting to maintain muscle mass. However, as insulin use has been reduced or eliminated, their is no additional benefit to maintaining high carbohydrate intake. In fact, cutting carbohydrates and maintaining fats can cause higher levels of testosterone when dieting (11), while the decreased food volume will help keep Muscle Gut under control. During these periods, protein intake can be kept high without high carbohydrate dairy products by using meat, eggs and supplements like Grenade Carb Killa Protein BarsTM for high protein and fibre or low carbohydrate whey isolate shakes like Isotean TM protein. It should also be noted that increasing protein further during these diets could help improve visceral fat loss that was caused by the previous insulin use. Also, eating out at certain restaurants or meals can be challenging when looking to maintain a low-carb diet. For this, consider consulting this guide on low-carb meals and restaurants that are available.

Bodybuilder gut

When Carb-Loading, Ensure Correct Timing and Nutrient Intake

When using water manipulation techniques, ensure that sodium and electrolyte intake is increased through supplementing with electrolyte solutions such as Genius Electrolytes, and that fibre and digestive enzyme intake is high to aid digestion. This can be done by supplementing with digestive aids like Fiberlyze. Also make sure that timing is correct, giving approximately 24 hours to allow full glycogen supercompensation before contest time. All of these strategies can be effective in reducing Bodybuilder Belly and improving physique on stage. However, it is important to consider individual differences and experiment with these steps carefully, as responses to them may differ between individuals. Also, it can be difficult to maintain strict dietary protocols when travelling for competition. So, check out this guide on dieting while on the road to help consider different foods and diets while on the road can help a lot.

About the Author

Reggie Johal

Reggie Johal is the founder of Predator Nutrition, a UK based health and supplement store. Reggie owes much of his extensive strength and fitness knowledge to his former career as a Great Britain American Footballer.

Bloated On Intermittent Fasting



Intermittent Fasting Breakfast And Lunch

Intermittent Fasting Breakfast And Lunch

Quick & healthy breakfasts that'll keep you full until lunch

Even when you're super busy, you can make time for a quick and healthy breakfast! Nutritionist Madelyn Fernstrom shares her picks.

/ Source : TODAY

A breakfast that is quick and easy can still be healthy — and keep you full until lunch. While the barriers to eating a nutrient-rich breakfast are real, including lack of time and convenience, or a lack of appetite first thing in the morning, it's a good idea to fight that urge to skip it altogether.

While studies show you don't need a large home-cooked breakfast in the early morning to be healthy, a morning meal is important for two big reasons: 1) you don't get "over-hungry" for lunch, making you more likely to overeat; and 2) you're set up for mindful eating all day long. That's good news for those who believe they need to wake up bleary-eyed and prepare a vegetable omelet before leaving the house, thinking it's the best way to support a healthy weight.

RELATED: 30 easy breakfast recipes to start off every day deliciously

The best quick and easy breakfasts — to eat at home, or take along for later — provide around 150 to 300 calories, with a balance of protein, fat, and fiber, to help keep you satisfied until lunch. And this calorie range depends on your morning hunger, and when you plan to eat lunch. When it comes to eating breakfast, there is no "perfect" meal, and one size definitely does not fit all when it comes to food. And while any of these options can be enjoyed by adults and children alike, we've included some tasty kid-friendly options. While a bowl of oatmeal or plain Greek yogurt and fruit are always go-to options, here are some updates to boost protein, nutrients, and overall taste.

If you like to drink your breakfast:

  1. A ready-to-drink protein shake, containing animal or plant protein, is a definite plus. Loaded with protein — usually 25-35 grams for no more than 200 calories — you'll likely stay full until lunch. That's about one-third your protein need for the day. And many drinks have the equivalent of a daily vitamin added. You can prepare your own shakes with protein powders, purchased in a single serve pouch or large tub.
  2. Another option is to make your own smoothie, using frozen fruits and vegetables, or your own frozen produce, put into resealable plastic bags and frozen. Both eliminate waste, and add convenience.While a smoothie is a rich source of fiber and water, adding a scoop or two of protein powder boosts fullness.
  3. And if morning coffee is your idea of breakfast, try adding a protein bar. Look for the same nutrients as the shake — high protein, and low sugar. Most bars have about 15 to 20 grams of protein for about 200 calories, and moderate amounts of heart-healthy fats.

If you like to eat your breakfast:

Two chicken eggs on a shelf of the refrigerator door open closeup; Shutterstock
  1. One of the best sources of low-cost protein is a hard-boiled egg. Two eggs provide a protein rich 16 grams of protein, moderate fat, along with vitamins and minerals.
  2. A single-serve container of plain yogurt with your choice of added fruit is always a go-to option. Greek yogurt has double the protein of regular yogurt.
  3. If a breakfast sandwich is really want you want, and you don't have the time or interest to make it yourself — enjoy a ready-to eat frozen version that's calorie controlled. Jimmy Dean Delights at 210 calories and 14 grams of protein heat up in your toaster oven or microwave for a tasty treat. And you can find similar "lightened up" versions weighing in at around 200 calories at Dunkin Donuts and similar restaurants. With more nutrients that a doughnut, muffin or bagel, these can be a smart grab and go choice, either in your home or out.

Kid-friendly breakfasts:

  1. Tubes of low-sugar yogurt are great take-along options. Both Siggis and Annie's offer strawberry and blueberry versions. Freeze the tubes, for a tasty frozen treat for your kids — or you.
  2. Pop a whole wheat frozen waffle in the toasted, spread it with one or two tablespoons of peanut butter (or your choice of nut or seed butter) and top with the sliced fresh (or frozen) fruit of your choice. It's a different breakfast every day by varying the fruit. To take along, cut the waffle in half, and make into a sandwich for easy eating later. And a great new option for those with peanut allergies; Annie's makes a "pea" B & J pockets, a soft crust-less sandwich, with a tasty, creamy spread based on pea protein.

And remember that adding 75 to 100 calories with any whole fruit, or a cheese stick (reduced fat or regular) can always round out your breakfast, or for a mid-morning snack to support fullness until lunch.

Intermittent Fasting Breakfast And Lunch



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The Author

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Displaying category "Paper Bag"

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